Universities Criticize Trump's Immigration Ban

CHICAGO (CBS) -- The University of Chicago sent a letter to President Trump Monday morning in response to his recent executive order temporarily banning immigrants from seven Muslim majority countries from entering the U.S.

President Robert Zimmer and Provost Daniel Diermeier wrote in a joint statement to "assert in the strongest possible terms the importance to the United States of continuing to welcome immigrants and the talent and energy that they bring to this country."

The University's leaders said the history of scientific and technological advances that secures the country's economic growth is dependant upon this welcoming stance.

"A failure to maintain this position will ultimately weaken the nation's world-leading higher education institutions, diminish the innovation energy in the country, slow the pace of technology development, and ultimately weaken the nation."

Zimmer and Dierneier also sent a letter to members of the campus community to reaffirm the University's commitment to their international students, faculty, scholars and staff, as well as with their visitors from across the globe.

"We are committed to articulating the importance of this matter to policy makers, and we are committed to the direct support of those in our own community who may be affected by changes in current immigration policy," they said.

Northwestern University has a similar message.

President and Professor Morton Schapiro issued two statements to the Northwestern community on the order, saying it "raises serious concerns for the entire academic community."

"We believe strongly that there is no legitimate basis for depriving students and scholars from those countries who have already obtained visas from entering the United States to study and conduct research at Northwestern or elsewhere."

And Schapiro added that Northwestern will take all the necessary actions to protect their students, faculty and staff.

Specifically, "Northwestern will refuse to provide information to the federal government regarding the immigration status of members of our community," Schapiro said.

The University of Illinois also reached out to its campus community.

"Our doors are open and welcoming to talented individuals from around the globe and we pledge to ensure that this openness continues into the future."

The statement comes from the University President, Vice President and Chancellors.

"We want to assure you that we are monitoring events closely and we are working with other universities, national organizations, legal counsel and government officials to support and protect all of our international faculty, visiting scholars and students."

DePaul University's President sent a statement to the institution's community Monday evening to address where they stand.

"We will take every action within the law to protect everyone within our community, including Muslim students, faculty and staff in the United States and from other countries, just as we remain unwavering in our support of undocumented students during these uncertain times," Rev. Dennis Holtschneider said.

Holtschneider said students, faculty and staff from the affected countries have made DePaul their home away from home – and he fully intends for that to continue.

Despite having campaigned on a promise to enact stricter immigration policies, the executive order received instant adverse reaction.

Protests in airports across the county followed shortly thereafter, including Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. A New York federal judge blocked a portion of the order, preventing the government from deporting almost everyone, but protesters went back for a second day of O'Hare protests on Sunday.

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