Thousands On Delinquent Tax List Risk Losing Their Homes

CHICAGO (CBS) – Thousands of homeowners could be in jeopardy of losing their homes and they do not even know it.

Their property taxes are delinquent and in one week, they will be sold. CBS 2's Dorothy Tucker reports.

Curtis Brown is almost in a panic to pay his property taxes.

But he just found out he is late. The taxes were due Aug. 1. He thought his mortgage company was responsible and he never received a notice. A friend just happened to see his name and address on a delinquent tax list.

"My heart started palpating," Brown said. '"To lose it after I just got it would be devastating."

Brown's North Kenwood condominium is on a delinquent list with nearly 50,000 other properties. If these taxes are not paid by April 3, the taxes will be sold to investors who then charge homeowners high interest rates.

CBS 2: Could these people ultimately lose their homes?

"Yes, yes they can," Cook County Treasure Maria Pappas said.

Here is how, if property owners take too long to repay the taxes, the investors get the house.

The problem, according to Cook County Treasure Maria Pappas is some 6,400 people have no idea they are on the lists.

"We have sent the notice and the mail came back to this office," Pappas said.

Millicent Grammer owes $1,300. But after a stroke and on a fixed income she needs more time to pay, so she won't lose her home.

"It hurts. We just got the house paid out. It doesn't have a mortgage on it no more. The only thing owed it the taxes," Grammer said.

Grammer joined Reverend Jesse Jackson and other civic leaders calling on state lawmakers to put a moratorium on the April 3 deadline and give homeowners more time to pay.

"These are people who paid by the rules. They're seniors and they're at the end of their ropes," said Rev. Jackson.

Reverend Jackson also criticized lawmakers for recent changes that give homeowners less time to pay delinquent taxes.

Homeowners used to get a year. Now they only get 8 months. You can will find the delinquent tax list on the Cook County Treasurer's website.

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