Suburban Chicago village president calls for school official's resignation over teacher sex scandal

Calls for suburban Chicago school leaders to resign after sex abuse allegation

BENSENVILLE, Ill. (CBS) -- The Bensenville village president is calling for the resignation of the Fenton Community High School District 100, amid a scandal involving sexual abuse allegations against a staff member.

Village President Frank DeSimone wrote that school district Supt. James Ongtenco must resign to help the community heal.

On Monday, the board fired a staff member at Fenton High School who had been accused of having sexual relationships with students dating back years.

On Wednesday night, parents and students crowded into the library at Fenton High School for the district board meeting – complaining that it took too long for the employee to be fired, and calling for more consequences.

The most gut-wrenching testimony came from the young woman who said she is a survivor.

"I pray that none of your daughters have not, and do not, suffer the karma from your atrocious in this predator's behavior," she told the board Wednesday night.

When the board tried to continue to follow the agenda of the meeting, their silence on the allegations was met with anger. After not being able to continue as the crowd raised their voices, the board walked out.

The Bensenville Police Department has the investigation is ongoing.

Simone's full letter to district board of education members is below:

Board of Education Members,

I write this letter not only as the Village President of Bensenville, but as the parent of a daughter at Fenton High School. What I have witnessed at Fenton these past few weeks is nothing short of horrific, and like so many in our community, I'm outraged at the allegations against a former teacher. And while his dismissal is a small step forward, it is not enough.

I attended each of the last of the two school board meetings where this issue was discussed and the testimony that took place has left a deep impact on me and my family. I can tell you that I stand with our students, families, and all sexual assault victims when I say the allegations are disgusting and unacceptable. A school should be – amongst all else – safe for children.

In order for our community to begin to heal, I am calling for Fenton District 100's superintendent to step down.

In addition, I al also calling for the Fenton School Board to investigate and remove anyone who knew of these allegations and chose to do nothing. Inaction put students at risk and inaction continues to cause harm to the people of this community that I hold dear. Swift and decisive actions must be taken to ensure those responsible are held accountable, and new policies are put in place to ensure this never happens again.

I am confident in the Bensenville Police Department's investigation, and in the DuPage State's Attorney's office. I strongly encourage anyone with any information on this matter to contact Bensenville Police directly.


Frank DeSimone

Village President

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