Straw purchaser of gun used to kill CPD officer Ella French sentenced to 30 months in prison

Straw purchaser of gun used to kill Officer Ella French gets 30 months in prison

CHICAGO (CBS) -- The man charged with making the straw purchase of the gun used to kill Chicago police officer Ella French was sentenced on Wednesday to 30 months behind bars and another three years of supervised release.

Jamel Danzy pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit federal firearm offenses. For part of the supervised release, Danzy cannot own or buy firearms and can't leave the district he will live in after his prison sentence is completed.

The courtroom was packed with Chicago Police officers as Danzy learned his fate, half of the maximum 5-year sentence he could have received.

Jamel Danzy speaking with CBS Chicago on August 11, 2021. CBS Chicago

French's mom spoke at Danzy's sentencing hearing, telling U.S. District Judge Robert Gettleman "Ella was always a people person," and "I miss my Ella every day."

She also directly addressed Danzy about the "choices" he made, and urged Gettleman to give him the maximum sentence to "send a message of accountability."

Officer French was shot and killed during a traffic stop near 63rd and Bell in August 2021. Her partner Carlos Yanez was seriously wounded. Yanez also addressed the judge at Danzy's sentencing hearing.

"I will never be the person I was," Yanez said, referring to his life changing injuries. Yanez lost his right eye, and is partially paralyzed, using a walker and wheelchair to get around.

"There needs to be some accountability," Yanez said, adding "I pray you make the right decision."

Officer Ella French (Credit: Chicago Police)

Chicago Police Deputy Chief of Patrol Brian McDermott read a statement on behalf of CPD Supt. David Brown urging the judge to hold Danzy responsible for the crime by receiving the full sentence allowed, a request made by multiple CPD officers who spoke on Wednesday.

Other officers made statements about French, her character, and dedication to her job.

A video produced by CPD was played which included a letter French's mother read about her.

Joshua Blas, the responding officer the night French was killed, broke down in tears recalling the incident.

Defense attorneys reminded the judge "this is not a homicide case," in that Danzy supplied the gun, but was not the one who pulled the trigger. They also referred to his mental health issues and a suicide attempt.

The defense argued Danzy did not make the straw purchase out of a desire to profit, nor was he working with well-known criminals. They pointed out it was his first offense, that he accepted responsibility for the "bad decision" and had remorse.

Danzy spoke too, expressing ''sincere remorse," admitting this "should never have happened," while adding he "meant no harm to anyone."

The casket of Chicago police officer Ella French at St. Rita chapel. (Credit: Chicago Police)

While Gettleman said he agreed Danzy should face more than the 10 to 16 months established by sentencing guidelines as part of his plea deal, he didn't go so far as to impose the maximum sentence, settling on half that – 30 months in prison. In sentencing Danzy to less than the maximum term, Gettleman cited Danzy's troubled childhood with abuse, his cooperation with authorities, and his admission of guilt.

Gettleman's ruling didn't sit well with French's family, friends, and fellow officers.

"It just sickens me, and it hurts my heart that I'll forever be challenged. We lost Ella," Yanez said.

Gettleman recommended Danzy serve his sentence in Springfield, Missouri, where he can receive mental health treatment, although the final decision will be up to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons. Danzy must report to prison by Feb. 7.

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