"The Shark" attempting to swim 82 miles across Lake Michigan

"The Shark" attempts to swim 82 miles across Lake Michigan
"The Shark" attempts to swim 82 miles across Lake Michigan

CHICAGO (CBS) – Jim "The Shark" Dreyer, a 60-year-old marathon swimmer, set off to cross Lake Michigan by swimming 82 miles from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Grand Haven, Michigan.

He's also doing it without a boat to escort him. This is Dreyer's second attempt at the feat.

As of Tuesday, Dreyer is over 9 miles into his journey. He is expected to arrive on Thursday. 

Last month, he called off his first attempt 10 miles into the swim because the conditions were too dangerous.

Dreyer is no stranger to extreme swims. He also swam across Lake Michigan in 1998, but this time, the swim is 25 miles longer.

You can track Dreyer's progress on his website, JimTheSharkDreyer.com.

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