Sen. Dick Durbin, Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle discuss gun violence prevention following recent mass shootings

Sen. Durbin, County President Preckwinkle discuss gun violence prevention

CHICAGO (CBS) – The calls for gun control in the United States are growing loud. On Friday, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and County President Toni Preckwinkle joined medical experts to talk about violence prevention strategies.

Our Mugo Odigwe reported from outside Stronger Hospital where the event happened.

The goal of today's event is to talk about ways to address gun violence. Which as they pointed out, has become a local and national problem.

As you know -- the nation has seen several mass shootings in the past few weeks.

19 school children and two teachers were killed in Uvalde, Texas, four people were killed at a Tulsa, Oklahoma, hospital, and ten were killed at a buffalo, New York, supermarket.

On Thursday a House panel approved the "Protecting Our Kids Act" -- which includes a provision to raise the required age for buying semi-automatic firearms from 18 to 21. But even if it passes the full house -- it's unlikely to get enough support in the senate.

Friday morning Sen. Durbin addressed the dangers of AR-15-style rifles.

"The AR-15, make no mistake, is not a sport rifle. It's not a hunting rifle. It is a deadly military weapon," Durbin said. "What can we do about it. Well, first off there's no excuse for Congress not acting. The American people if you don't get the right response need to respond in the election in November. That's what a democracy is all about. Elect people who care about gun safety."

For her part -- Preckwinkle talked about plans to expand a program here at stronger and Comer Children's Hospital that helps victims of gun violence deal with trauma.

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