Request For Sanctions Against Mother Of Ronald Johnson Withdrawn

(CBS) -- The mother of a man killed by Chicago Police will not face court sanctions for allegedly threatening remarks against a police officer and his family because that request has now been dropped.

With a push from the city of Chicago law department, the attorney for the officer has withdrawn its request for a federal judge to sanction Dorothy Holmes. Holmes is the mother of Ronald Johnson, who was shot and killed by a Chicago Police Officer 14 months ago.

State's Attorney Alvarez decided not to charge the officer with anything because she said the dashcam video supported the officer's actions.

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That angered Dorothy Holmes, and she made some statements at a rally, statements taken as threatening by the officer's lawyers, so they asked a judge to sanction her.

The officer's lawyers are being paid for by the city - and now the city law department has issued a statement that says in part:

"An outside, independent attorney hired to represent Officer George Hernandez filed this motion without the awareness or consent of the City after certain statements and actions caused Officer Hernandez to be concerned about his and his family's safety...."

The statement says the motion has been withdrawn.

Speaking this afternoon at a City Hall rally, Dorothy Holmes vowed to say whatever she wants.

"The only thing I suggest is that they back off because I'm going to keep on fighting," she said.

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