Judge Rejects Bid To Delay Trial Of Legrier, Jones Lawsuits

CHICAGO (AP) -- A judge has refused a request by the city of Chicago to separate the trial of lawsuits resulting from the 2015 fatal police shooting of a teenager and a grandmother.

Officer Robert Rialmo fatally shot 19-year-old Quintonio LeGrier and 55-year-old Bettie Jones. Rialmo has said he fired at LeGrier because the teen swung at him with a baseball bat.

Lawyers for the city argued in part jurors' sympathy for Jones could influence their assessment of Rialmo's decision to shoot at LeGrier. Jones opened the door for officers called by a neighbor to deal with LeGrier's erratic behavior.

Attorney Brian Gainer on Wednesday also asked for a trial delay, saying numerous documents still must be produced.

Lawyers for the Jones and LeGrier families objected to the motion.

Judge Kay Hanlon acknowledged going to trial in less than a month "may be burdensome," but can be accomplished.

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