Premium gas found going for $7.29 in Chicago; many have been forced to change habits

Gas price sticker shock has some changing habits

CHICAGO (CBS) -- We found premium gas in Chicago going for $7.29 a gallon on Thursday.

That is a figure higher than the hourly minimum wage in a dozen states – including Wisconsin, Indiana, and Iowa. As CBS 2's Marissa Perlman reported Thursday night, this all highlights the struggles that families are encountering with inflation.

Experts say it could lead to demand destruction when drivers change their habits to save money.

That $7.29 per gallon figure for premium was found in the West Loop. It was $7.01 in Pilsen on Thursday and $7.10 in Little Italy. In Skokie, it was $5.75 for regular. That's about $2 more than this time last year. 

Imari Hudson drivers for Uber, and calls the prices a nightmare.

"I've got to get gas like regardless," Hudson said.

A man named Andy said he is paying $90 on average to fill up his Mustang with premium.

"It's crazy," Andy said. "Gas is going up and up, and like I said before, it's just really crazy, to be honest."

Now, he has been forced to change up his habits.

"I just take the train, because it's way cheaper," Andy said. "Just like five bucks for like 24 hours."

The average price of gas in Chicago is up by almost $2 per gallon compared to a year ago. 


And fewer people are going across the state line to Indiana to fill up because it's not cheap there either. In Gary, gas is up $1.92 to an average of $4.90 for regular.


But some drivers are very chill about the price at the pump – because they are no longer worrying about it.

"I had to switch it up," said Marvin Styles. "I can't do it no more."

Three months ago, Styles turned in his gas guzzler for a Tesla – joining the trend of those going electric because of the cost of fuel. He says he has already saved thousands.

"I come out to like $12 a charge, compared to $50, $60 a fill-up," Styles said.

Experts from GasBuddy say it is the crippling sanctions on Russian oil leading to the massive spike in all fuel – and the high prices are expected to stick around not for days, but months. Prices are also expected to rise to record highs.

"It's getting tough, day by day," said Cyrian Chandy.

Chandy just bought that BP in Skokie where the price is now $5.75. He is getting a lot of the blame.

"It's not gasoline owners raising the price," Chandy said. "It's the company and the country's policy, and oil companies are now raising the prices. It's demand versus supply."

But Chandy too is being forced to flip his driving habits.

"I'm not filling up the gas like before, you know?" he said. "Now, a truck like this, you know, almost $150 to fill up."

Here are some simple ways to save gas, according to AAA:

• Turn off the air conditioning in the car. Yes, that may be a challenge given that we're heading into summer. But nevertheless, air conditioning eats gas - so you might want to park in the shade.

• Slow down and obey the speed limit.

• Avoid those jackrabbit starts when the light turns green. Once up to speed, maintain a steady pace.

• If possible, take care of errands in one trip.

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