NFL Mandates Players Must Stand During The National Anthem

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Many fans were divided when a number of NFL players, in protest of police brutality against people of color, began kneeling during the National Anthem.

CBS 2's Vince Gerasole reports the NFL will now fine teams whose players do not stand.

It began with Colin Kaepernick and caught on with NFL players, each choosing to kneel during the National Anthem.

"We want people to be respectful to the National Anthem," said Roger Goodell, the NFL Commissioner. "We want them to stand – that's all personnel – and make sure they treat the moment in a respectful fashion."

The NFL has decided players must stand or teams will be fined. Players have the option to remain in the locker room during the National Anthem.

Chicago residents, including sports fans and those who are not, shared their thoughts on the issue.

"I don't think they should have to stay in no locker room because that's how they feel," said Chicago South side resident, Michael Hoskins. "They should be able to come out like the other players."

"I think everyone has the right to express their first amendment rights," stated Kathy Klawitter.

The American Civil Liberties Union says that it's not necessarily true in the workplace.

Ed Yohnka of ACLU Illinois said, "Employers can limit the speech of employees while on work time."

In spite of that statement, the ACLU has supported players' rights to demonstrate their opinions.

"Whether or not they have a legal right, they have a moral right to express themselves," said Yohnka.

The Bears have locked arms in protest in the past. Linebacker Sam Acho says some players will look for a different way to protest.

"Just because you are not protesting the National Anthem doesn't mean someone can keep you for standing up for those treated unfairly," stated Acho.

There are many who support the NFL in this matter. Their thoughts echo those of Claudia Bertacchi who posted on Facebook: "Patriotism wins. Thank you NFL for being true patriots and showing our flag the respect it so deserved."

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