Judge Tosses Lawsuit From Parents Of Naperville Student Who Jumped Off Parking Garage To His Death

CHICAGO (CBS)-- In 2017, school staff warned Corey Walgren he may have to register as a sex offender because they suspected he made a video of himself having sex with a classmate without her knowledge. Shortly after, the 16-year-old jumped to his death from the top of a Naperville parking deck

His parents sued Naperville School District 203 and the city. A judge last week dismissed the lawsuit.

The judge struck a disapproving note in describing how Naperville North High School officials in January 2017 told Walgren any video may constitute as child pornography.

While he was waiting for his mom to pick him up from school, the family's attorney said, he walked to the top of a five-story parking deck and jumped .

The ruling, posted late last week, says there's no evidence Walgren broke the law and that it's not surprising his emotional state deteriorated when he was faced with the "implied threat." The court says the lawsuit hadn't met the legal benchmarks for proving wrongdoing, though they could rework it and refile.

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