Some Illinois Residents Are Getting 1099-G Tax Forms In Mail Despite Having Thought They Cleared Up Fraudulent Unemployment Claims Taken Out In Their Names

CHICAGO (CBS) -- It's tax time – and as some begin filing, they are finding out they're victims of fraud after someone applied for unemployment in their name.

And many victims tell us the Illinois Department of employment Security isn't helping. As CBS 2's Tara Molina reported, some victims even thought they had already shut down the fraudsters months ago.

Some of the people who've reached out to us since our first story aired on issues with the 1099-G form say they're getting 1099-G forms in the mail when they should not be – after they reported the fraud to the state and thought they'd already taken care of it.

A fraudster applied for $11,832 in unemployment in Mike Beirl's name. Beirl is retired, and he found out about it when a 1099-G form showed up in his mailbox.

"I should have never gotten this," he said.

Beirl has already filed his taxes, so he is worried this issue will impact his refund. But despite several calls, and one returned call, he still doesn't have an answer from the state as he waits for help from IDES.

"I'm still waiting for IDES to call me back," Beirl said.

Beirl is one of many who have reached out to us with concerns since our first story on the 1099-G tax form, and long waits for help from the state, first aired last week.

"If this information has already been reported to the government, there's a whole big mess there," said unemployment fraud victim Beth Bingold.

Bingold, also retired, said she called IDES months ago to close a fraud claim when she got a debit card in the mail. But she then got another upsetting piece of Mail.

It was a 1099-G form detailing the more than $7,000 the fraudster, whom she thought she shut down, ended up getting from IDES.

"What are you doing, IDES, to protect us?" Bingold said.

A spokesperson for IDES explained that victims are not to be held responsible once fraud is reported and confirmed:

"Victims of unemployment insurance fraud can find guidance on the IDES website by visiting or If a claimant did not receive UI benefits in 2021, yet still received a 1099-G form from IDES, this may indicate that a fraudulent claim was filed in their name. Such victims should contact IDES at (800) 244-5631, and follow the prompts to schedule a callback in the correct queue. IDES representatives will return calls on a first-in, first-out basis to ensure the fraudulent claim is shut down, and to address the 1099-G form. Once a fraudulent claim is reported, investigated, and confirmed as fraudulent by IDES, the victim will not be held responsible for repaying any benefits fraudsters may have received in their name. The victim will also not be held responsible for tax implications resulting from a fraudulent claim. Additional information is available via the IRS."

"Until I can talk to someone at IDES, I'm stuck," Bingold said.

CBS 2's Molina followed up with the state on Wednesday, asking why those who went through the steps to shut down fraud claims are still getting the forms. She was still waiting on an answer Wednesday night.

Meanwhile, thousands are still waiting for help on this issue on 1099-G related issues. Many have complained they can't get a hold of the 1099-G when they need it to report unemployment benefits for tax purposes.

Viewers told us the issue is with ILogin, the security measure implemented by the state to keep fraudsters out. But ILogin is keeping people like who need the form out too.

Per our most recent public records request to the state, more than 9,000 people were waiting for calls back from IDES on 1099-G-related issues.

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