Dillard Catching Up To Rauner In GOP Primary

(CBS) -- A funny thing may have happened to Bruce Rauner's landslide victory in the GOP primary, an apparent last minute surge by DuPage County State Senator Kirk Dillard.

CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine reports Dillard's campaign has new life, brought about by new money and leading to new hope.

"We're right there, momentum is on my side," said Dillard.

Dillard was surrounded by county GOP leaders who pointed out proud pedigree.

"For that reason alone that warrants Senator Dillard's endorsement," said Scott Christianson, GOP Chair Winnebago Co.

Dillard's new commercial was made possible by a final week shift in union money from anti-Rainer to pro Dillard, $400,000 in the last 24 hours. And it followed a weekend Chicago Tribune poll which showed Rauner still leading but now by just 13 percent over Dillard, whose support has doubled in the last month. Rainer took notice and took aim in a new commercial.

To Dillard, that meant Rauner's on the run.

"I clearly have a chance to overcome a big Rauner lead and I don't think he has that lead any longer," said Dillard.

Bill Brady, campaigning downstate Wednesday, told Levine he still feels he can win, just like last time, when he went from last in the polls to first in the primary. Dillard says this time he's the closer.

"Nobody predicted Bill Brady would have won last time and former Attorney General Jim Ryan was way ahead through most of the time last time and he finished fourth," said Dillard.

Dillard will do a final weekend fly around with Jim Edgar to try to complete his comeback. Rauner, who turned down our request to speak with him either Wednesday, or anytime this week, a spokesman telling us he'll soon announce his plans for a final 72 hour push in Chicago and around the state.

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