City Says Reports Of Potholes Down From A Year Ago, Street Repaving Announced
CHICAGO (CBS) -- The city of Chicago is starting to get reports of potholes cropping up, but, very few, compared with this time last year, reports WBBM's Regine Schlesinger.
As you drive, you might be noticing potholes pop up here and there, but Commissioner Rebekah Scheinfeld of the Chicago Department of Transportation says so far this month, they've gotten only about 3,000 calls about potholes.
"This is half what we had last January in the Polar Vortex winter of 2014," said Scheinfeld. "So we've filled about 35,000 potholes in January and that's compared to almost three times that much, 100,000 this time last year. So Mother Nature has been kinder to us this year, but, we are prepared to respond to whatever is put in front of us."
And the city is identifying the first of at least 300 miles of streets to be resurfaced this year including the following streets: