City of Aurora honors girl, 9, who called 911 and likely saved mom's life

Aurora City Council honors 9-year-old girl who dialed 911 for her mother
Aurora City Council honors 9-year-old girl who dialed 911 for her mother

AURORA, Ill. (CBS) -- The City of Aurora on Tuesday honored a 9-year-old girl who helped save her mother's life.

Aria Lamen dialed 911 when her mom passed out. She able to tell dispatchers what allergies her mom, Caron, has and the medication she takes.

Caron Lamen told us she was surprised by how well her daughter performed under pressure.

"I can't express how grateful I am to everyone involved in this," Caron Lamen said at the ceremony honoring her daughter, "and again, Aria, you did such an amazing job – and I am so proud of you."

Aria received a Mayor's Award of Excellence from Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin.

Aria's advice to other kids is to make sure they know their parents' phone password and address, so they too can help in case of an emergency.

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