Chicago Police Officer Stripped Of Powers After Being Heard Using Homophobic Slur During Unrest Downtown

CHICAGO (CBS) -- A Chicago Police officer has been relieved of his police powers after being caught on video using a homophobic slur during the civil unrest a week ago Saturday.

The Civilian Office of Police Accountability said Wednesday that it had officially identified the officer and recommended that he be relieved of his powers.

The department concurred, COPA said.

In the video, posted to social media, you can see a back-and-forth between the officer and protesters. When the officer turns around, a traffic cone is thrown directly at him and a barricade is tossed in his direction.

That is when he is heard saying, "Wait until I turn my back, you f****t!"

We talked last week to the man who took that video, Kyle Cunningham.

"Having a homophobic cop sets us back so many years," Cunningham said. "It's really unnerving to know that the people in uniform who are supposed to protect us are actively going against us."

We found in the last decade, lawsuits filed against CPD for misconduct against LGBTQ people, cost the city nearly $300,000 in settlements.

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