Former Channahon gymnastics coach sentenced to 96 years for sexual assault of teen girl

Former gymnastics coach sentenced to 96 years for sexual assault of teen girl

CHICAGO (CBS) – A former gymnastics coach in southwest suburban Channahon was sentenced to 96 years in prison for sexually assaulting a teenage gymnast.

Jose Vilchis, 72, was sentenced on Tuesday in Will County Court after he was found guilty of eight counts of criminal sexual assault last year, according to a Will County State's Attorney's Office news release.

Vilchis abused the girl in Channahon in 2013 and 2014 when he was a coach at I&M Gymnastics. The jury in the trial also heard evidence that Vilchis abused other teenage girls going back as far as 1997.

A police officer testified at the sentencing hearing about two other victims of Vilchis. A fourth victim testified she was repeatedly sexually assaulted by Vilchis in the 1990s when he was her gymnastics coach.

"Jose Vilchis is a reprehensible sexual predator who calculatingly used his position of trust and authority to take advantage of innocent girls," said Will County State's Attorney Jim Glasgow in a statement. "He repeatedly preyed upon young gymnasts in private under the guise of being a caring coach.  I commend these young women for their courage in coming forward and telling their stories. Although nothing can undo the damage he caused, he will spend the rest of his days in a prison cell unable to prey on anyone else."

Vilchis will receive credit for 1,591 days served, prosecutors said.

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