CDPH hosting COVID, flu vaccination clinics at city colleges Saturday

CDPH hosting COIVD, flu vaccine clinic at Malcolm X College Saturday
CDPH hosting COIVD, flu vaccine clinic at Malcolm X College Saturday

CHICAGO (CBS) – As we resume our post-holiday routines, the Chicago Department of Public Health is reminding everyone to protect themselves this winter.

They're hosting a vaccine clinic Saturday at Malcolm X College, located at 1900 W. Jackson Blvd. from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The clinic will offer primary series COVID-19 vaccines for anyone ages 6 months and up, as well as updated vaccines and bivalent boosters for anyone age 5 and up who has completed a primary vaccine series. 

Flu shots are available for anyone ages 6 months and up.

Both vaccines are offered at no cost and can be administered during the same visit

Walk-ins are welcome but you can also register for an appointment at

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