CBS 2 celebrates Mother's Day

CHICAGO (CBS)-- Happy Mother's Day, here are the women we are celebrating this year. 

Brad Edwards 

"I was always my mother's baby. Here, cradled in her arms. She still sends me care-packages — Halloween, Valentine's, Easter, etc. — treats and a card, to her baby boy. I think somewhere in my 20s I told her she could ease up on the 'baby Brad act'. She never did. And now, somewhere in my 40s, I appreciate it, and her, more than ever.   

Marissa Perlman 

"Celebrating my mom every year for Mother's Day is one of my greatest joys- she is without a doubt, my favorite person.

Those who are new to know me will fairly quickly start to hear me share stories about the amazing Susan: most of the time because the conversations and adventures we have together could be featured in a sitcom- but also, because there is truly no one else like her. She is strong, thoughtful, brilliant, hilarious and the first person you want to invite to your next dinner party. There is constant laughter when we're together.

In this career we move around. A lot. Every few years since age 23, I've started fresh in a new city, alone. Except I really was never alone. Without question, my mom was there to make sure I was set up for success (and to ensure my apartment looked cute, too.) Whether it was a small town in upstate New York or a new adventure in Northern California, she showed up and wouldn't let me give up on a dream I've had since I was little. When the work got tough, she always picked up the phone- (sometimes multiple times a day.) She is a fan of hard work and "getting it done." She always reminded me nothing good comes easy, and gave me the confidence I needed to push forward. I wouldn't be here living out that dream in my hometown without her.  

My mom (and my grandma) always said: "It's not how you start it's how you finish." A Northwestern and Georgetown Law graduate, she has been successful in multiple career paths- including starting her own consulting business. I am in awe of how she is able to constantly reinvent herself. She loves to learn. She isn't afraid of a challenge, or even, starting over. I often wonder if she gets that tenacity from my grandfather who escaped Nazi, Germany in the late 1930's. He moved to the U.S. with nothing, and: got to work. He too, wasn't afraid to face the unknown. I am blessed to have that example in my life.

This Mother's Day is special: because after more than a decade of being away, moving from city-to-city, I'm finally home. This year, I get to celebrate my mom in person. It is the greatest gift. "It's not how you start. It's how you finish."

Laura Bannon 

"Happy Mothers Day to my other half, Diane. I seriously cannot imagine life without you. Every day is such a joy being your daughter and I'm thankful to have you in my life. I'm so lucky to have such a strong, caring, supportive role model in my life. I know I can be a handful (sometimes) and I can't thank you enough for your endless love and support. 

Thanks for being my everything! My coworkers also thank you for being our monthly potluck mom! Your food is the BEST!! Love you forever and always."

Tim McNicholas 

"My mom is the kindest person I know and she taught me the value of hard work, intelligence, and integrity. She is a real-life superhero--the best mom I could ask for and now she is the greatest grandmother on earth to my nephews. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!"

Sabrina Franza

"My mom is my partner in crime. She says she's my biggest fan, but really, I'm hers. 

Her lentil soup is a cure-all for any sad day or sick day. Her giggle is so contagious that she'll have you laughing until your stomach hurts. She has the biggest heart, brightest smile, and has the super-human ability of knowing exactly what to do in any situation. I swear - this woman is a mind reader and a future teller. 

The world is better with you in it, Mom! I love you. Happy Mother's Day!"

Jim Williams

"My mother was remarkable. She graduated from college at 20. As a teacher in her native St. Louis, she travelled by train to New York City over consecutive summers to get a master's degree in special education at Columbia University.

She was a hard worker her entire career, rarely taking sick days and maintaining warm relationships with her many students and colleagues. And what a wonderful mother:  charitable and thoughtful, setting a great example for her children. She treated everyone – janitor or executive -- with the same respect and kindness. Doris Williams has been gone for more than 30 years and I miss her."

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