Cardinal Hopes Doctors Will Allow Him To Attend Canonizations In Rome

(CBS) -- Francis Cardinal George still hopes to travel to Rome for the April 27 canonizations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII, but he may have a hard time convincing his doctors.

CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine reports the cardinal attended a conference on economics and Catholic social thought Thursday, sponsored by the Lumen Christi Institute. Earlier, he met with doctors supervising his treatment for kidney cancer.

Later this month, Pope Francis will preside over the ceremony to declare sainthood for Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II.

However, George told Levine his doctors are not keen on letting him take a long trip while he's on chemotherapy.

"We're still negotiating that a little bit," the Cardinal said. "The odds are the doctors will probably have their way, I'm afraid, after the conversation this morning, but it's not done yet."

George says doctors were most concerned about an international flight when he's most prone to infection. An infection after his last round of chemo landed him in the hospital for a full week.

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