Bitter cold in Chicago disrupts long-distance trains for many travelers

Chicagoans, train travelers cope with dangerous cold
Chicagoans, train travelers cope with dangerous cold

CHICAGO (CBS) -- The cold on Sunday was not just brutal, but potentially dangerous—and a disruption for travelers trying to get around by long-distance train.

Travelers were staying at Union Station Sunday afternoon, but the bitter cold may have impacted some of their traveling plans. Amtrak said it has modified its services due to extremely low temperatures.

"The weather is very unpredictable," said Jacqueline Llamas, who was headed back to Dearborn, Michigan from Chicago on Sunday, "so it makes stuff like this unpredictable."

Jacqueline and Eissac Llamas were inconvenienced by one of many Amtrak train delays and cancellations at Union Station this weekend.

"We actually received a message yesterday about the train being canceled, and we were like, oh no!" she said.

Amtrak last week announced cancellations for a few of their lines that crisscross parts of the Midwest. The rail agency preemptively canceled the Empire Builder train to the West Coast on Monday, from Chicago to Portland and Seattle, and the train from Spokane to Chicago from the West Coast both canceled through Monday.

The Union Station departure board on Sunday showed a majority of canceled and delayed trains, with a few trains that were on-time.

"I don't remember seeing the train stations this busy, or at least this packed, but hopefully everyone gets home in time," said Eissac Llamas.

The Llamas family said they were grateful Amtrak was providing alternate bus services to get home.

"We're just thankful that our time at least wasn't changed, because we have four kids at home with the grandparents right now that are making my mom lose her hair," said Eissac Llamas.

Warming centers open, caution advised for those with health conditions

While travelers remained warm and anxious to get home, the Office of Cook County Board President announced the county has opened warming centers in the north, west and south suburbs to help residents combat extreme weather conditions.

The warming center locations are at Skokie, Markham and Maybrook courthouses opened at noon Sunday and will run continuously until 4:30 p.m. this coming Wednesday.

The Skokie Courthouse is located at 5600 Old Orchard Rd. in Skokie, the Maybrook Courthouse at 1500 Maybrook Dr. in Maywood, and the Markham Courthouse at 16501 S. Kedzie Pkwy. in Markham.

Warming centers are also available in the city of Chicago, but some hours are limited because of the federal holiday Monday.

In Chicago from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Garfield Community Service Center at 10 S. Kedzie Ave. will be open.

Chicago libraries will be closed, but Chicago Park District fieldhouses will be open. All 22 Chicago Police districts will also be active warming centers with varying hours. 

Warming centers in Evanston are offering extended hours, but only one will be operational on Monday—the Gibbs-Morrison Cultural Center at 1823 Church St., which will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

In west suburban Aurora, a warming center is open at the Wesley United Methodist Church, at 14 N. May St. between New York Street and Galena Boulevard. It is open 8 p.m. through the night until 8 a.m. through Wednesday.

"This time of year, we're very cognizant of taking care of our homeless and appreciate all the city's efforts to create the shelters, but patients can begin developing symptoms again of frostnip or frostbite in a matter of hours," said Ascension Illinois Chief Medical Officer David Bordo.

Bordo said with temperatures dropping below zero, those with medical conditions such as diabetes are especially at risk of developing frostbite.

"The blood flow and nerve endings change in those conditions, one, make you prone to not keeping warm and then not feeling the sensations of numbness and tingling, and the developing symptoms of frostbite," he said.

As for Amtrak, officials there said they expect to return to full service on Thursday.

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