Bears' Kyle Long Is Really Into Pokemon Go

(CBS) Like many millennials, Bears offensive lineman Kyle Long has run into a small problem recently. He can't seem to keep his phone charged.

The source of the trouble? Pokemon Go, of course.

Long revealed during a great interview on the Pardon My Take podcast that he's a big fan of Pokemon Go, the hit mobile game in which users try to catch virtual creatures who appear in reality through the camera on mobile devices by using GPS. While no expert yet -- he didn't join the original Pokemon craze years ago -- Long is finding his way with the game and adept at using the lingo.

"If you're traveling around trying to chase these Pokemon down, it's pretty tough work," Long told hosts Big Cat and PFT Commenter. "It's a tough task. It can be dangerous at times. You got to bring extra water.

"It's fun. I was in 7-11 today, grabbing some water post-workout, got to hydrate. I get a ding on my phone, pulled it out. There was a Squirtle right there -- in the ice cream aisle -- or whatever the hell it was. I posted a picture of it. It was a cute little Pokemon, and I had to throw a little Poke ball at it. Luckily, I stocked up. I'm not even going to lie, I splurged on the app, I spent like 20 bucks on Poke balls and luring potions.

"If I'm at a Poke stop, I can use one of my little lure things. It's another creepy word -- lure. But you can use those, and it brings Pokemon over there and other Poke searchers can find the same animals I'm checking out, because I'm a team player like that."

Long has even been playing Pokemon Go with fellow Bears offensive lineman Bobby Massie.

"We were getting breakfast and I'm watching him like catch a Bulbasaur or something and I'm like, 'Damn, I wish caught a Bulbasaur,'" Long said on the podcast. "Bobby's balling, man. He likes Pokemon too."

Long had some lasting advice for Pokemon Go players.

"If you're going to play Pokemon, get your iPhone charger, bring it around with you and just wait at public places," he said.

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