Bali Murder Suspect Fears Too Much Coke Causing Baby's Hair Loss

CHICAGO (CBS) -- A Chicago woman on trial in Indonesia for killing her mother last year, and stuffing her body in a suitcase, said she fears her newborn daughter is losing her hair, because she is drinking too much Coca-Cola while nursing.

In a jailhouse video filmed by, 19-year-old Heather Mack is seen fanning her daughter, Stella, while sitting on a floor at Denpasar District Court, and telling her "you're losing your hair."

"You're bald, I swear," Mack said. "Mommy needs to eat more healthy. No more Coca-Cola."

Mack is later seen handing her baby to a minder at the jail, before saying she fears her diet in jail might be causing Stella to go bald.

"Maybe it's the food. Maybe it's the Coke. All the Indonesians think I'm crazy for drinking Coke. Maybe they're onto something," she said.

Mack and her boyfriend, 21-year-old Tommy Schaefer, have been charged with the premeditated murder of Mack's mother, Sheila von Wiese-Mack, while vacationing in Bali.

Prosecutors have said the couple planned to kill von Wiese-Mack, pointing to witness testimony and messages between Mack and Schaefer. They have said Schaefer deliberately brought a metal fruit bowl to von Wiese-Mack's room, and used it to beat her to death, because she did not approve of their relationship.

Mack allegedly helped stuff her mother's body in a suitcase, and abandon it outside the hotel where they were staying. The couple then fled out a back exit of the resort.

Schaefer has testified he killed von Wiese-Mack in self-defense, after she insulted him, demanded Mack Get an abortion, and began choking him.

Prosecutors have sought a sentence of only 18 years for Schaefer, and 15 years for Mack, arguing they have shown remorse, and because Mack has a newborn baby. Judges, however, could ignore the prosecution's request, and sentence them to death by firing squad if the couple is convicted.

Mack told the Daily Mail her baby is the only thing allowing her to cope with being in jail.

"Stella is all I have with me all the time to keep away the depression," she said. "It's terrible in there - it's not a place for me or my baby, but Stella is helping me to get through it."

An earlier hearing in the trail was postponed in March, after Stella became sick in jail, but the baby has since recovered from a bout with jaundice.

Mack also has been photographed smoking while she was pregnant, according to the Daily Mail.

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