Annual CPD Vs. CFD Charity Baseball Game Rained Out

CHICAGO (CBS) -- One casualty of Wednesday night's storm was the annual Bravest vs. Finest baseball classic at U.S. Cellular Field.

The teams, representing the Chicago Fire Department's Bravest squad the Chicago Police Department's Finest team managed to play only one inning before the skies opened up. Several attempts were made, unsuccessfully, to restart the game, but it was called after an inning with the Finest (police) ahead 1-0.

The Bravest won last year's game 3-2, with the winning run being scored in the bottom of the 9th.

Despite the threatening weather, there were several thousand people in attendance and spirits remained high in the stands and in the dugouts, until the decision was made that the field was unplayable.

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Beforehand, Emerald Society bagpipers played "Amazing Grace" in memory of fallen firefighter Dan Capuano, who died in December when stepping into an open elevator shaft while fighting a fire, and for the five police officers who died in the line of duty during last week's sniper attack in Dallas.

All money raised from ticket sales, raffles, and other promotions at the game was donated to charities that assist fallen police officers and firefighters' families.

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