11 Chicago-Area Towns Make "American's 100 Richest Places" List

CHICAGO (CBS) – Eleven Chicago suburbs made Bloomberg list of "American's 100 Richest Places," released last week.

Bloomberg looked at U.S. places with a minimum population of 2,000 and ranked them based on average household income. Nearly 6,200 cities and towns met the criteria and Bloomberg released the top 100 highest household incomes in America in 2015.

Areas of California were near the top to the list of America's wealthiest towns, but more than one-third towns on the list were located within 50 miles of New York City, according to the Bloomberg analysis.

"The industries that are located in the so-called fly-over states don't pay nearly the same as those on the coasts," said Richard Yamarone, an economist at Bloomberg Intelligence in a statement. "Earnings for farmers, ranchers and manufacturers simply pale in comparison to the larger salary and bonus-laden occupations."

Rounding out the top ten included Atherton, California; Cherry Hills Village, Colorado; Scarsdale, New York; Hillsborough, California; Short Hills, New Jersey; Old Greenwich, Connecticut; Los Altos Hills, California; Bronxville, New York; Darien, Connecticut; and Winnetka, Illinois.

Below is the list of 11 Chicago-area towns that made the list:
10. Winnetka - $311,902
12. Glencoe - $308,625
31. Lake Forest - $256,202
33. Inverness - $251,657
39. Hinsdale - $245, 859
55. Long Grove - $229,112
63. Oak Brook - $222,128
81. Hawthorn Woods - $203,192
86. Lake Bluff - $200,525
95. Wilmette - $196,315
99. Western Springs - $192,936

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