5 things you'll want to consider when picking a health insurance plan

Source: Oscar

Sponsored and Provided by Oscar Health

Open enrollment is officially here. This is great news if you're looking for a new health plan or if you need to make changes to an existing plan. Picking the right one can be messy and overwhelming, especially if it's your first time shopping on the federal exchange.

We're here to help make this whole thing easier for you. Here are some ways you can make that happen:

1. Decide who needs to be on your plan

Does it make financial sense for you and your spouse to get a family plan? Do your kids need to be on your plan? Can they enroll through school, work, etc?

While you consider these questions, here are some words of health insurance wisdom: You'll typically want more coverage if you add additional people to your plan. So, keep that in mind!

2. Figure out what you'll need (and don't need) to feel your best

Review any medical activities and expenses in 2022 and think about what kind of medical needs you may have for next year. It'll help you choose the right plan and may help you save money too.

Here's a helpful thing to know: There are several plan tiers out there - bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. And they're all based on cost and coverage level.

If you're managing a chronic condition or have a planned procedure in the upcoming year, you may want to go with a gold or platinum plan. Yes, you'll pay more every month. But you'll also have a lower deductible, which could save you some money down the road!

If you're generally healthy, don't see the doctor much, or don't have any regular prescriptions, a bronze and silver plan might work best for you. These plans cost less monthly - just know that you may have to pay more for a bill if something comes up during the year.

3. Have doctors you love? Or meds you need? Great!

Want to continue seeing your amazing doctor? Or go to that hospital right around the corner? Well, that makes a lot of sense. Keep in mind that using in-network doctors and facilities will help you keep costs down. The same is true for meds. Make sure to check with the health insurance company you're into and see if your doctors, meds, and facilities are in-network. You'll thank yourself later.

4. See if you qualify for some assistance

It's super important to estimate your household income for 2023 to see if you're eligible for subsidies. Here's how it works: depending on how much you earn, you may qualify for financial assistance (in the form of tax credits). These credits will be applied to your premiums to make your coverage more affordable. Just make sure to report the income you expect to earn as a household for the year (that means your spouse's paycheck, your kids' jobs, etc.).

5. Keep your eyes peeled for perks and incentives

If you're looking at two plans, see if they have extra perks like fitness rewards and virtual urgent care. (Oscar plans offer both of these things - just saying!)

Another great thing to do is call up the insurance company you're looking at and see what their customer service is like. If it doesn't feel like service, you're better off with another company. This will make your experience throughout the year much, much better. 

Now, let's talk about choosing a health plan that works for you

We've gone over some key things you can do to help make this whole process easier. So, where do you go from here?

You go to healthcare.gov, that's where. You can also go to your state exchange. Wherever you choose to go, now's the time to start comparing plans and find the one that's right for you.

Oscar has a variety of plans - and one of them might be exactly what you need. We know that health insurance is not one-size-fits-all, and we've designed our plans to meet the needs of our members (and not the other way around). We're happy to serve over one million members and continue to build a health insurance company that actually works for them.

Here are a few things we offer our members that we think you'll like too:

A Care Team that actually cares

As an Oscar member, you'll have a team of Care Guides and a nurse who can help you:

● Understand your plan's benefits
● Find in-network doctors
● Prepare for an upcoming procedure or routine appointment
● Get the most out of your Oscar plan

$3 Prescriptions* (Yes, really)

We found a way to reduce many commonly prescribed meds to as little as $3, so you can afford the meds you need.

Virtual Urgent Care, so you can speak with a provider 24/7**

Talk to a provider in as little as 15 minutes - all from the comfort of home.

No referrals to see a specialist

We trust that you know what you need when it comes to your health. So, you won't have to see one doctor just to see another doctor.

Care that's actually right for you

Access providers that understand your language, race, ethnicity, and health situation.

Rewards for reaching those step goals

The Oscar app syncs with Google Fit or Apple Health so that you can earn $1 every day you hit your step goals - up to $75 a year, depending on where you live.

Ready to see some Oscar plan options? Visit our website to learn more. ***


*$3 Prescriptions include up to 30-day supply of medication and are not available in NY, NJ, CA, or for Catastrophic plans, small group plans, or Medicare plans.

**Oscar's Virtual Urgent Care offerings are not available in US territories or internationally. If you have an HSA-compatible high-deductible health plan or a Secure plan, you won't be eligible for $0 visits. Prescriptions, visits and services may be limited per provider discretion.

*** Oscar Medical coverage is underwritten by Oscar Insurance Company located in New York, New York. Plans sold in New York are underwritten by Oscar Insurance Corporation located in New York, New York. Plans sold in Florida are underwritten by Oscar Insurance Company of Florida. Plans sold in New Jersey are underwritten by Oscar Garden State Insurance Corporation. Plans sold in California are underwritten by Oscar Health Plan of California. Administrative Services for all plans provided by Oscar Management Corporation. All insurance policies and group benefit plans contain exclusions and limitations. For availability, costs, and complete details of coverage, contact a licensed agent or Oscar sales representative.


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