Pickup truck crashes into Yarmouth bank after hitting other cars

Pickup truck crashes into Yarmouth bank after hitting other cars
Pickup truck crashes into Yarmouth bank after hitting other cars

YARMOUTH - A pickup truck hit several cars before crashing into a Yarmouth bank.

Kyle Dailey shared video from the chaotic scene with WBZ-TV. He said it appeared the driver had a medical issue, and the first person to get to the truck had to take the driver's foot off the gas. Police said the pickup truck left the road and went airborne after hitting a median before crashing into the building. A bystander was also hit by falling debris from a sign that was hit.

"It just felt like a war going on," said Robert Glenn, who witnessed the crash. "All I heard is a bunch of crashing."

Video showed at least one car with significant damage at the Piccadilly Cafe & Deli next door. Photos show the bank sustained damage as well.

"I started to approach the truck and all of a sudden, things started ticking back from the tires," said Ed Walsh, the owner of the Piccadilly Cafe & Deli. "I guess it was actually the tread had burned down to the point where it just came flying out."

The pickup truck that hit a bank in Yarmouth Nate Higgins and Missy Jones

An off-duty firefighter used a hammer from Glenn to break the back window, since the pickup's doors were locked. He and Walsh were then able to crawl inside and turn the engine off.

Police said six people were inside the bank at the time but no one was seriously hurt. Four people, including the driver, were taken to the hospital with minor injuries.

"It was surreal," said Walsh.

The cause of the crash is under investigation.

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