Why did this highway sign fall down in Worcester? MassDOT reviewing structural inspection reports

Why did this highway sign fall down in Worcester? MassDOT reviewing structural inspection reports
Why did this highway sign fall down in Worcester? MassDOT reviewing structural inspection reports

WORCESTER - MassDOT is still trying to figure out why a highway sign fell down onto I-190 in Worcester Tuesday morning.

It happened at about 7 a.m. on the southbound side of the interstate, just before Exit 1. Luckily, no one was hurt and no cars were damaged.

The sign structure is about 24 years old and went up in 1999 as part of a sign replacement project.

"MassDOT is performing a root cause analysis and will be reviewing prior structural inspection reports as part of this process," MassDOT said. "If it is determined that the sign fell due to a structural failure all signs constructed during the same period in the corridor will be reviewed."

The fallen highway sign on I-190 in Worcester. Jessica Thurber

The agency also said most sign structures on state highways are less than 25 years old, and the one that fell was due to be replaced in a project that's scheduled to go up for bid later this year. About 50 overhead sign structures on I-190 will be replaced as part of the project. 

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