Forecasted rain a welcome relief to those feeling the effects from wildfire smoke in Massachusetts

Middleton residents dealing with wildfire smoke welcome relief from rain
Middleton residents dealing with wildfire smoke welcome relief from rain

NORTH ANDOVER - As rain is in the forecast for much of Massachusetts on Thursday, those on the North Shore and Merrimack Valley are welcoming the relief from the wildfire smoke that's been heavy for them this week.

Smoke part of daily life

"And all of a sudden, it looked like Brigadoon," said Pay Connolly, who was going for a walk in North Andover. "You couldn't see what was right in front of you. And the smell was intense."

Residual smoke from wildfires burning across more than 500 acres has become a part of daily life. North Andover Deputy Fire Chief Graham Rowe spoke to WBZ-TV at his command post, as crews are hard at work 12 hours a day.

"The men and women are...they're tired," said Rowe. "They've been out here for awhile, they've been working really hard."

Health risks

The health risks for firefighters are intense but they're even felt by members of the public breathing in smoke, especially those with pre-existing conditions.

"It could also affect people who are otherwise healthy," said Dr. Sucharita Kher, a pulmonologist at Tufts Medical Center. "Exposure to wildfire air could definitely cause irritation just to the eyes, the nose, a sore throat, itchy eyes. So even if you are otherwise healthy, I think that fire air exposure can have effects."

To take precaution against the smoke:

  • Wear an N-95 mask
  • Use an air purifier
  • Don't run the heat, air conditioning or fans
  • Keep windows closed
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