Watch The 2019 Boston Marathon Live On & WBZ-TV

BOSTON (CBS) - CBS Boston has you covered for the 123rd Boston Marathon, with live coverage on and WBZ-TV.

WBZ-TV is proud to once again be the only local television station broadcasting the Boston Marathon live on Monday, April 15. Lisa Hughes, Steve Burton, Shalane Flanagan, and Toni Reavis will be your hosts from the Start to Finish line.

Pre-Race coverage on WBZ-TV begins at 7 a.m., with race coverage at 9 a.m.

New Englanders who can't be in front of their TVs to watch the Boston Marathon will be able to watch the race live online. will be streaming coverage beginning at 9 a.m. on your desktop or mobile device. If you are outside of New England, or you are going to be at work and your company's computer servers are outside of New England, you may not be able to see the Elite Race portion of our coverage online (approx. 9a-to-12:15p). The New England border is where our online streaming rights end for this portion of the race.


When you visit on Marathon Monday, there will also be a live camera locked down on the Finish Line. You can watch your friends, family members and thousands of other runners take those triumphant steps across the blue and yellow line.


8:40 a.m.: Mobility Impaired start
9:02 a.m.: Men's Push Rim Wheelchair Division start
9:04 a.m.: Women's Push Rim Wheelchair Division start
9:25 a.m.: Handcycle & Duos start
9:32 a.m.: Elite Women's start
10:00 a.m.: Elite Men's start and First Wave
10:25 a.m.: Second Wave
10:50 a.m.: Third Wave
11:15 a.m.: Fourth Wave

Follow us on Twitter @wbzmarathon and @wbz, and take part in the conversation using #bostonmarathon.

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