Veteran Rushed To Help Victim Of South Boston Crash

BOSTON (CBS) - A local veteran ran towards the wreckage of a horrific two car crash at Old Colony Avenue and Dorchester Street in South Boston Thursday night.

Joe Passi said he heard what sounded like two freight trains crashing and then he ran up the block to find a gray Volkswagen Jetta and white Honda Civic crumpled from careening into each other.

"I was just like, you know, is everybody OK? Is everybody OK?" Passi said.

Passi heard a response from the Jetta but nothing from the Civic. He looked inside to a find a young man bloody and unconscious.

"He was hurt bad. He was knocked from the driver's side to the passenger's side seat. Covered in blood," Passi said.

Next, Passi reached inside the car, reclined the seat, and started to bring the man out. That is when police arrived and took over from there.

Passi served in the Army for nine years. He believes his military training may have helped him overcome shock and jump into action.

"It's just something that everybody should do. I mean, it's not a big deal," he said.

Several witnesses told police they saw the Civic drive through a red light.

According to police, a 26-year-old man, 33-year-old man, and 34-year-old woman were all brought to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

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