'Vaccine Angels' Help Thousands Hunt Down COVID Vaccination Appointments In Massachusetts

BOSTON (CBS) - A Facebook group of volunteers is booking thousands of COVID vaccine appointments for people in Massachusetts.

"I didn't realize it was going to be 20 hours a day, 7 days a week. So, it's a lot," Jessica Kosow told WBZ-TV.

Kosow started the Facebook page "Vaccine Hunters / Angels Massachusetts" just three weeks ago. Now she's working non-stop and she rarely leaves her computer.

"It's a lot of work, but it's really, really rewarding to help people who can't help themselves," she said.

There are now more than 5,000 members and the goal is simple - help people book vaccines who are struggling. Kosow said they've secured "thousands of appointments."

Here's how it works. Dozens of volunteer members find openings and sign eligible people up.

You can go to the site and ask for help or just look for the offers. They never stop posting. It's just regular people who figured out the system and are just looking to help.

"I think it's so amazing to see people helping other people," Kosow said.

Roslindale preschool teacher Christine Fitzgerald couldn't find an appointment on her own. But a stranger on the site stepped in and within minutes she was booked for the next day, giving her some much-needed light at the end of this very dark pandemic.

"The group of people that are doing this, I want them to realize you are not only doing this huge service of helping individuals, but you are also giving all of us a gift of tremendous relief, mental relief, emotional relief that it's taken care of," Fitzgerald told WBZ.

But its not just for booking appointments, there are also lots of tips and tricks. They also alert you when more vaccine appointments become available. Anyone can join and anyone can help book people appointments. They plan to keep on helping as long as they are needed.

For more information check out their Facebook page.

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