Maine Republican Senator Responds To Trump Tweet: 'This Has To Stop'

WASHINGTON, D.C. (CBS) – A Republican senator from Maine appears to be taking issue with President Donald Trump's latest inflammatory tweet.

Trump fired off two tweets Thursday morning directed at the hosts of the MSNBC program "Morning Joe." In one of them, he said host Mika Brzezinski "was bleeding badly from a face-lift" at Mar-a-Lago around New Year's Eve.

Later on Thursday Sen. Susan Collins, who is considered one of the swing votes for the Republican Senate health care bill, tweeted "This has to stop."

"We don't have to get along, but we must show respect and civility," Collins wrote.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Trump's response on Fox News.

"This is a president who fights fire with fire and certainly will not be allowed to be bullied by the liberal media," she said.

Brzezinski has since responded on Twitter with an insult of her own.

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