Student Found With Bullets At Elementary School

HULL (CBS) - When a Hull High School student got a message from another student showing three .32 caliber bullets, the school superintendent says the system worked. The student went to an adult who called police.

Hull officers found the student who sent the photo at Lillian Jacobs Elementary School, where they searched him and found the bullets. What was the 17-year-old doing there? He was part of a special education program in a classroom within the school administration's central office, which is attached to the elementary.

Some parents of elementary students were shocked to learn they were in school with older teenagers. "How are their activities controlled?" asked Michael Sharkey who has a first grade daughter at Jacobs. "What bathroom do they use? Where do they eat lunch? Are they allowed to have interaction with the small children? How are they supervised?"

While the high school program is housed in the same building, they have separate entrances. High schoolers are bused in, escorted to the door where they're buzzed in, and mostly contained to one classroom across from the superintendent's office.

"The door to Jacobs Elementary School is locked," said Superintendent Michael Devine. He said teenagers are escorted to get lunch in the cafeteria, but eat back in their classroom, where they also have a bathroom.

As for the bullet scare, Devine says the student who spoke up did the right thing. "We commend the student for recognizing the seriousness of this situation and reporting it to the administration."

"It's a very safe town," said Jamie Howard, whose daughter is a first grader. "I'm just glad someone did speak up about it."

Police searched Jacobs, as well as Hull High School, and the student's home as a precautionary measure. The student was taken to an area hospital for observation, and will be arraigned at a later date.

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