LOOK: Rare Split-Colored Maine Lobster Is A 'One In 50 Million' Catch
BIDDEFORD, Maine (CBS) -- A lucky lobster is avoiding the dinner table because it's an extremely rare catch. The split-colored lobster was brought to the University of New England's Marine Science Center in Maine last week.
The half-orange, half-brown lobster is considered to be a one in 50 million catch. It was donated by Eric Payne from Inland Seafood Corporation, a Maine lobster packer.
Scientists need help naming it. The crustacean will live in the same house as their yellow lobster Banana, so some have suggested calling it "Banana Split."
"We are honored that local lobstermen entrust these rare animals to UNE's Marine Science Center where we will use them in our teaching and outreach activities," assistant professor of marine sciences Markus Frederich said in a statement.
The University of New England is one recipient of an $860,000 grant from the National Sciences Foundation to study the impact of global warming on the Gulf of Maine and its lobster population.