Patrice Bergeron Would Go To All-Star Game If Voted In, But He'd Still Prefer Not To Be Voted In

BOSTON (CBS) -- Patrice Bergeron would prefer if fans would send their "Last Men In" votes to someone else. But if fans do vote in the Bruins forward for the upcoming NHL All-Star game, he'd be happy to attend.

Bergeron has a newborn at home, so he told 98.5 The Sports Hub's Toucher & Rich on Wednesday that he'd rather stay home and get some rest (HAHA, good one Bergy!) than head to San Jose later this month. Asked Thursday if he wanted to lose the vote, which concludes Thusday night at 11:59 p.m., he clarified his stance a bit.

"That was of no disrespect when I said that, obviously. It's always an honor to be going there and to be chosen, whether its by the league or by the fans," he said. "That was more of the reality I'm in right now."

As of a few years ago, players who decide not to participate in the All-Star festivities receive an automatic one-game suspension (unless they have a note from their doctor). Bergeron isn't opposed to the one-game ban, because he sees going to the All-Star game as something special.

"Where I stand, it's always an honor and you want to be there in any given year, but this year is a little different for me," he added. "We'll see what happens. If that's what fans want, I guess I'll be there. Otherwise I'll appreciate their non-votes."

Bergeron has played in two All-Star games in his career, in 2015 and 2016. The 2018 NHL All-Star game will be held on Jan. 26 in San Jose, California.

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