"One Chip Challenge" makers Paqui remove dare from website after Worcester teen's death

"One Chip Challenge" makers Paqui remove dare from website after Worcester teen's death

Updated September 7, 2023: Paqui has pulled its "One Chip Challenge" from store shelves.   

BOSTON - The makers of the "One Chip Challenge" are changing how they advertise the spicy tortilla chip after the death of a Worcester teenager.

Paqui has removed the language on its website daring people to eat the chip and then wait as long as possible before eating or drinking.

The parents of 14-year-old Harris Wolobah say he died after trying the challenge on September 1. They are now waiting for the results of an autopsy.

Related: Trying the One Chip Challenge? Expert says know your limits

The Worcester District Attorney is also warning parents about the dangers of the challenge saying teens in other states have been hospitalized.

Paqui says the chips are meant for adults only. 

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