No Bail For Man Accused Of Chelsea Shooting That Injured 68-Year-Old Woman
CHELSEA (CBS) - The man accused of a shooting that injured a grandmother in Chelsea will be held without bail.
Eighteen-year-old Jefferson Barrillas was in court on Wednesday, accused of firing a gun along Washington Avenue in Chelsea. Two of the bullets hit a 68-year-old woman who was getting into her car. One of the bullets struck her in the chest.
Outside of court, District Attorney Kevin Hayden said he spoke to the victim and her son before the arraignment.
"I went to check in with her and see how she's doing. It's a miracle that we're talking about a survivor. Someone who was shot in the upper right arm and in the chest. And it is literally a miracle that she's alive. She and her family have shown tremendous strength and grace through this matter. In fact, when I spoke with her this morning, and I asked her if I could share this, she told me that after she realized she had been shot, and she found herself worried of her own safety, she also thanked God that there were no children outside from a nearby school," Hayden said.