Heavy rain floods homes, businesses in Newton

Homes, roads flooded by heavy rain in Newton

NEWTON - Joe Eramo was on Route 9 in Natick when his Chevy Equinox came to a full stop Tuesday morning. "When I opened up the door, it flooded in," he said. 

Like countless others, he was stuck. "I was driving. I saw some cars go through, and I thought my car was going to be able to go through. It stuck, and water started coming in," he said. 

Water also gushed through the streets of Newton, spilling into the home of a daycare provider on Upland Avenue. "I've seen this in Kansas, not Massachusetts, so this is pretty unusual," said Amy Kaufman, who scrambled to pick up her three-year-old, among nine kids who had to suddenly leave. 

Flooding at a home in Newton CBS Boston

Up the street, WBZ Sports Director Steve Burton was pumping out the basement of his own home. "I got issues!" He pointed to his back yard under water. "This was this was all grass. There was a patio back here, all nice. Now it's a lake," he said. 

In Needham, restoration crews worked to clean up a soaked CVS store. A sign on the door said "Pharmacy only. Front store closed due to flooding. Sorry for inconvenience." 

By evening, stores had reopened, and most of the flooding had gone down, but the damage to homes and cars will take much longer to recover. 

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