New Rams Logo Leaks Online; Twitter Mercilessly Roasts New Design

BOSTON (CBS) -- In this day and age, a new logo for a billion dollar entity does not just come about on its own. It takes teams of designers, it takes focus groups, it takes multiple rounds of redesigns, and it takes several layers of corporate approval before any new design can be unveiled to the public.

Despite all of that, sometimes at the end of the road, you end up with this:

That is ... a logo! That's for sure.

Is it a good one, though? Considering the Rams are apparently ditching an iconic logo in favor of a Sonic The Hedgehog-inspired spiral letter thingamajigger, that answer would be no. No it is not good.

That's at least been the consensus of the internet, which has not been kind to the new logo.


Many folks thought it was a new logo for the Chargers instead of the Rams, which makes sense, because that's what it looks like.

Fortunately, the leak seemed to serve as the ultimate focus group testing for the Rams, who can now save face by ... throwing that design in an incinerator and either starting their redesign process from scratch or just sticking with their existing logo. One option that does not seem viable would be going through with the implementation of this universally mocked logo.

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