Michelle Carter's Lawyers Appeal Her Conviction

TAUNTON (CBS) -- Lawyers for the woman convicted of involuntary manslaughter for convincing her boyfriend to kill himself filed a notice to appeal in Bristol County Juvenile Court Wednesday.

A juvenile court judge found in June that Michelle Carter's text to Roy telling him to "get back in" the truck persuaded her boyfriend Conrad Roy to take his own life.

Carter, 20, was tried in juvenile court because she was 17 at the time she had the message exchange with Roy.

Carter's lawyers said at the sentencing in August that they would appeal her 15-month  jail sentence and the five years of probation.

Carter was granted a stay in serving her sentence while the appeals process works its way through the courts.

While Carter waits for the appeals to be exhausted, she is not to leave the state of Massachusetts, has to report to a probation officer, and can have no contact with Conrad Roy's family except for contact necessary during any civil litigation.

Conrad Roy's mother has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Michelle Carter.

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