Melrose student says he was target of racial bullying, mother files federal civil rights complaint

MELROSE - Nita Holder is furious after she says her 12-year-old son David Palacio has been the target of racial bullying at Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School. "It's almost too hard to even put into words because of the impact that it has had on him," Holder said. 

David was a METCO student at the middle school and says the racial bullying has been going on for years. "I'm frustrated and sad that this is happening, and it shouldn't happen to any kid my age or even older," Palacio said. 

He says he's been called the n-word and some of the incidents have led to physical violence. "Earlier this year I was called the n-word and pushed in the hallway by an eighth grader and a ninth grader, and they both started to hit me," Palacio said. 

12-year-old David Palacio says he was the target of racial bullying for years in the Melrose Public Schools.  CBS Boston

The family says they reached out to school officials and the METCO program for help, but the problems persisted to the point where it was impacting his grades. "The administration, the staff since they're doing nothing about it, they bear responsibility too," Holder said.

Complaint filed with Office for Civil Rights

With Lawyers for Civil Rights, Holder filed a federal civil rights complaint on behalf of her son against Melrose Public Schools with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights on Monday. 

"We are asking them to investigate not only this incident but all of the history of racial bullying in this district," said Erika Richmond Walton, a litigation fellow with Lawyers for Civil Rights.

Recently another METCO student, an 11-year-old fifth grader at the Melrose Winthrop Elementary School, says she was targeted after one of her braids was cut off during one of her classes. The family is outraged by the cultural insensitivity and have also filed a civil complaint against the school district with Lawyers for Civil Rights. 

"It's numerous incidences of racial bullying that escalated to physical violence and it's not just one child it's many children in this district," Richmond Walton said. 

Melrose Public Schools interim Superintendent John Macero released a statement saying in part, "We take any allegation of individual or systemic discrimination very seriously in Melrose Public Schools and we are committed to fostering a safe and equitable educational environment for all." 

Holder has since removed her son from the Melrose Public School system. He's now attending school in Boston. She says he's doing better academically, but she still wants this school to be held accountable. "The staff knew, the administration knew, and Melrose middle school, and again they did nothing," she said. 

Student says "entire school' needs to be addressed

Palacio believes the entire school district needs to be addressed. "To talk to the whole entire school and high school about name calling, n-words and targeting people that aren't their skin color," he said. 

Melrose Public Schools plans to cooperate with the Office for Civil Rights and provide more information as to the steps the district took to address the incidents described in the complaint. 

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