Researchers say loud music really can cause hearing loss
BOSTON - Many parents tell their kids to "turn down that music" and for good reason. It literally could be deafening.
Researchers reviewed thirty-three prior studies and say more than 1 billion people between the ages of 12 and 34 are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe use of personal listening devices such as headphones and earbuds. Going to loud concerts is also a threat.
Exposure to loud sounds can disrupt the sensory cells in the ear which over time can become permanently damaged leading to hearing loss and/or tinnitus. The CDC defines safe noise levels as 85 decibels over 40 hours a week, but many people choose volumes as high as 105 on their devices, and concert venues may reach up to 112 decibels.
Some tips? If the music causes your ears to ring, it is way too loud. Stand away from loudspeakers. And try to use devices that reduce background noise so you can listen at a safe volume without having to drown out the racket around you.