Leaking propane tank caused deadly home explosion in Berlin

WBZ Evening News update for August 24, 2023
WBZ Evening News update for August 24, 2023

BERLIN - A propane leak caused a deadly house explosion in Berlin earlier this year, investigators have determined. 

On April 14, 79-year-old Judy Christensen was killed and her daughter Jill was injured when the home exploded on Pleasant Street. Three neighboring homes and two vehicles were damaged in the explosion.

According to investigators, the night before the explosion, residents smelled propane in the backyard where two 100-pound liquid propane gas cylinders were located. They notified Knight Fuel Company of the apparent leak, and an employee removed the tank and left it about 20 feet from the home.

The house explosion in Berlin CBS Boston

Investigators believe the tank continued to leak and traveled into the home's basement through the fieldstone foundation and basement walkout. The gas was ignited at about 3:30 a.m., causing the catastrophic explosion. The exact ignition source was not able to be determined.

There was no evidence that the explosion was suspicious.

According to investigators, Knight Fuel Company violated several rules including storing more than 42 pounds of propane without a permit and failing to notify the Berlin Fire Department of the leaking tank.  

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