Keller @ Large: We're The Problem With The Political Process
BOSTON (CBS) - I watched the new documentary about former Gov. Mitt Romney over the weekend, and if you're interested in Romney, presidential elections, or the reasons why our political process doesn't seem to be working very well, I recommend it to you.
Listen to Jon's commentary:
Frankly, there isn't a lot of action as Romney and his family drag themselves through the torture of the campaign twice. We see them praying together, cheering the high moments and crying over the low ones, and ultimately admitting they can't make head or tail of what the voters want.
No one should tear up over the Romneys' political failure. Observing his family, you conclude he is among the luckiest people in the world, win or lose.
But it is sobering to see a good man chewed up by a political culture that is also taking its toll on the good man who beat him.
Mitt Romney's sons make it clear in the movie they can't understand why voters would doubt the character of a man of such integrity, and they have a good point.
Whether or not Romney was a better choice to be president, it does seem a waste that his leadership skills don't seem to have any place in our civic life anymore.
It's similarly disturbing to hear the personal character of our president disparaged in sweeping terms.
Apparently, vigorous policy disagreement isn't enough to boost a radio talk-show host's book sales these days.
We say we want more good people to run for office, but when they do step forward, too many voters are too easily persuadable that they're bad people.
We do have a problem with our political process.
It's looking right at us out of the bathroom mirror.
You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.