Keller @ Large: Tom Brady Latest Target Of Grievance Culture

BOSTON (CBS) - You don't need me to tell you, we live in a grievance culture.

Fueled by the internet and the light-speed with which is delivers garbage to our palms, we live in the middle of a tsunami of bitter whining and finger-pointing. The left and right each have their daily diet of stories, spoon-fed by their preferred websites and Twitter feeds, that reinforce their pre-existing views of the world.

Each story is more definitive proof of whatever conspiracy theory we've adopted as our pet.

And unless you have the good sense and discipline to turn it all off, the grievance culture can work you up to the point where you can easily lose any sense of perspective in your pursuit of justice for your tormentors, real or imagined.

Watch now as the pack descends on the prime rib of the day, Tom Brady, who a million-dollar investigation has concluded "probably" knew Patriots employees were tampering with the footballs.

Read: Hurley: Not Enough To Condemn Brady

If the NFL's investigation was a case in your local district court, it would be laughed out of the room, and the judge might well give the prosecutor a tongue-lashing. But the grievance machine's standards are quite a bit lower than those of the justice system, so all the Brady and Patriot haters in the world now have all they need to work up a good froth.

Never mind that there's no way of proving the alleged offenses had any impact on the outcome of games. If Brady lied, will his character be judged in the context of years of charitable work and devotion to family?

Of course not. Grievance culture shuns context, compassion or forgiveness.

And Tom Brady is this meat-eating machine's beefsteak of the week.

Listen to Jon's commentary:

You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.

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