Jones & Keefe React To Seahawks Fan's Open Letter

BOSTON (CBS) -  By now you've probably read, or at least heard about the open letter gone viral on the internet.

Not ringing a bell? It's the a long essay written by angry Seahawks fan Amanda from Tacoma, who took issue with the way the Patriots conducted themselves during their Super Bowl victory parade on Wednesday, from Julian Edelman ripping apart Richard Sherman posters to LeGarrette Blount and others holding up a graphic t-shirt directed at Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch.

Here are some of the highlights of the letter:

"Flying off at the mouth during the intensity and high stress moments of a football game is one thing, but going out of your way to parade around in front of your fans holding disrespectful signs and t-shirts directed towards the opposing team is simply bad form."

"You are telling the world that it's ok to beat someone while their down and that when you win you should throw it in people's faces."

"I would think you would want to be spending your celebratory parade actually celebrating your Superbowl championship win instead of dwelling on the other team. Any respect I had for your team before this incident was quickly lost when I saw your arrogant and unprofessional behavior."

"Am I saying that the Seahawks have been perfect in this area? Absolutely not. But I can say without a shadow of a doubt that we have never taken things to the level you have chosen to and I honestly find it despicable."

"I would have to say that in this case, a sore winner is much worse than a sore loser. You are the Superbowl champions. Focus on that and be proud of yourselves for your hard work. You don't need to demean other people to do that."

(You can read the whole thing here)

Anyway, 98.5 The Sports Hub's Adam Jones and Rich Keefe reacted to the open letter on Thursday night.

"We've spent two weeks talking about the joke that is the 12th man, and I didn't even know how bad it was," said Jones. "Pete Carroll always referencing 'the 12's' and broadcasters always referencing 'the 12's' -- right after Butler's interception, Cris Collinsworth's final call was referencing the 12's. It's a joke of a fan base."

"The number is retired in the stadium of Seattle because of the fans -- no players have worn it, it's the fans who are retired," added Keefe.

"The 12th man is a top selling jersey in the country and it's not even theirs. They have to pay Texas A&M money to retain it. They have celebrity fans like Dave Matthews, who is from South Africa by way of Virginia -- he's the guy Seattle chose to represent them before the Super Bowl, which I thought was them in a nutshell," said Jones. "But this open letter is just too good. This letter, to me, sums up the 12th man."

Jones read some parts of the letter, and noted the irony of a Seahawks fan calling out another team.

"The Seahawks? The Seahawks are going to call another fan base arrogant and unprofessional?" said Jones in disbelief. "A Seahawks fan finger-wagging another fan base."

"Did Amanda enjoy how Bruce Irvin handled himself at the end of the game? Is she pro-Bruce Irvin?" Keefe added, in reference to the end-of-game scrum. "Does she like how Marshawn Lynch grabs his manhood after scoring touchdowns? I mean, that's class. For her to say everything is classy..."

"When you win you poop out a football. That's class," said Jones. "When you win you start fights at the end of the game and call the wide receiver the sorriest wide receiver the league has ever seen."

Listen below for their full reaction!

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