Pats Fan Battling Cancer On His Way To Super Bowl

PEABODY (CBS) -- It's been awhile since Jeremy Smallwood of Beverly can crack a big smile. The 37-year-old has Stage 4 lung cancer, but he thanks Lahey Medical Center he's alive today.

"It means everything and it's incredible to think so many care so much about me and my wife," Smallwood said.

Jeremy and his wife Amanda recently entered and won the 3rd annual Lung Cancer Super Bowl Challenge. Now they're on their way to the Super Bowl all expenses paid, thanks to the Chris Draft Family Foundation. Draft is a former NFL linebacker who lost his wife to lung cancer back in 2011.

"When she was diagnosed in 2010, her dream was to go to the Super Bowl," Draft said.

His mission now is to tackle lung cancer, so patients like Jeremy can live a long life and even go to his very first Super Bowl.

"The Patriots are awesome, but we are down here tackling lung cancer," Draft said.

Jeremy's team at Lahey also surprised him with hundreds of dollars in gift cards for his trip to Houston.

"I can't imagine what Chris had to face losing his wife so soon. And now I can spend some good time with my wife," Smallwood said.

What makes Jeremy's story so unique is that he is also from Texas. Standing with his nurses and doctors, Jeremy was proud to announce he's on his way to the Super Bowl.

"I'm Jeremy and I am Amanda and we are tackling lung cancer. Go Patriots!," Smallwood said.

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