'It Makes Everybody Mad': Community Mourns Jassy Correia At Dorchester Wake

BOSTON (CBS) - Hundreds of people paid their respects to the Correia family on Friday. Jassy Correia's wake was held at St. Peter Church in Dorchester. The story of her murder has hit not just her family, but also strangers horrified by the 23-year-old's killing.

A constant line stretched out the door of those remembering a young woman whose life was stolen. "So sad," said a relative.

Jassy Correia's family was still trying to comprehend the news. "We don't expect anything like that. She's too young. She's only 23," her aunt Maria Gavares said.

Wake for Jassy Correia at St. Peter Church in Dorchester (WBZ-TV)

Almost two weeks ago, Correia was out celebrating her birthday. Police say a stranger, Louis Coleman, kidnapped her after she left a Boston nightclub. Within days, officers arrested him driving in Delaware with Correia's body in the trunk.

"I think it makes everybody mad," said Mario DePina.

Two moms drove from Brockton to attend the wake. They don't know the family, but hearing about the tragedy hurt their hearts.

Jassy Correia and her daughter (Family photo)

"I have a daughter, she's 16, and it's been bothering me ever since it happened," said Elizabeth Lopes of Brockton.

"I have been trying to be extra careful, and I say that to all the parents, moms out there," said Mariza Carvalho of Brockton. "I have a daughter, she is 14, and there is a lot of pain. I can't imagine what this family is going through."

The family says what has helped them in part is the community wrapping themselves around them. "I am very surprised about the amount of love they showed. I was very surprised about that and I am very happy and thankful for that," said Jassy's cousin Maria Marcelino.

Governor Charlie Baker and Boston Police Commissioner William Gross were among those also who attended the wake. Correia's funeral is Saturday.

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