It Happens Here: Westboro's Hollywood Salvage Has Movie Memorabilia You Can Own

WESTBORO (CBS) - There's a store in Westboro that has hundreds of pieces of movie memorabilia that you can own.

"From coffins to Rolls Royces, everything under the sun, pretty much anything you can think of we have it," co-founder Mike Gwynn told WBZ-TV.

He and his co-founders at Hollywood Salvage have been dealing with the stars for years.

"Got into the business handling stuff on set, coordinating jobs with the drivers, equipment, basically moving the circus around everyday. After doing those jobs for so many years, we saw how much stuff was being wasted," Gwynn said.

And quite literally becomes waste. After a movie or show is done filming, the set pieces, props, costumes and all are destined for the dumpster.

"To us, there were some great pieces and a lot of really unique, hand-crafted pieces that are done by some true artists in the industry that was such a shame to see it go to waste," Gwynn told WBZ.

Most of the salvaged parts are housed in warehouses and then repurposed for movies and shows that film here in Massachusetts. but at the Westboro location, what was once a focal point of Stephen King's "Castle Rock" is now home décor.

Describing one of the signs from the show Gwynn said, "It's an authentic piece that nobody's really ever had an opportunity to be able to get before."

How about owning your very own fun house mirror, organ, or fake boulder?

"You'd be amazed how many people are obsessed with the fake rocks. Once somebody picks one up then it becomes a photo shoot. Everyone there wants to get a picture holding the boulders," Gwynn said.

A fake boulder is part of the movie memorabilia at Hollywood Salvage in Westboro. (WBZ-TV)

Every piece in this shop has been part of a film maker's vision. For Gwynn and his co-founders, giving people the chance to write their version is the real legacy.

"It's where the story begins again. So, it had a story when it was on the movie and then it could potentially really have another whole life and a new story when you bring it home," he said.

Movie memorabilia at Hollywood Salvage in Westboro. (WBZ-TV)

It's not just about salvaging the memorabilia for sale. The owners are trying to give back to schools as well.

Theater and art programs have recently been cut down in many districts, so Hollywood Salvage is donating a lot of their items to the students to inspire them and keep their programs running.

For more information, visit their website,

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